The FUBAR141 Counterstrike Website


To be honest with you I'm a bit wary about having files on here, because the host might kick me for bandwidth consumption.  If the links don't work, then the host has probably deleted them due to this reason. :\

This section of the site contains downloadable files, these files have been thoroughly scanned for all the latest viruses, trojans and variants.  I will not take any responsibility for any damages caused by these downloads. As with all file repositries; proceed at your own risk.

CS Bots:

Realbot V1.0 (680 KB) - This bot is mint, and always has been, this release has emerged from all the beta test releases.  It's simple to use, and when used properly, you can get a good game out of it!  This bot is also updated by its author every so often.

BOCbot (348 KB) - A nice bot, I have used this a few times, it seems to do the job better than most bots out there, BOC = Brain Of Combat. This bot is also available for other HL mods.

AgroBot (372 KB) - I have only used this bot once, try it.


My Maps:

cs_datacentre  (1.43 MB) - Click here to see map details and images before downloading it.

TheTestGrounds (1.09 MB ) - A CS deathmatch map, click here to see the map details before downloading it.


Map Editing Gear:

Xtra Compile Accessory Suite V1.0 (1.19 MB) - Some extra programs I wrote for you to use when compiling your maps, click here to see the features.

PrimTex V1.0 WAD file (2 KB) - Just a basic WAD file I made, containing a few plain coloured textures, good for technical texturing and brush-based entities such as vehicles, lifts and buttons.

Wally V1.5.5b Texture Editor (1.1 MB) - use this to create/edit your textures and texture archives.

Worldcraft V3.3 (1.91 MB) - The most widely used utility for creating maps for 3D environments.

Zoners Half-life Compile Tools (652 KB) - A powerful alternative to the compile tools that come with Worldcraft, if you're serious about mapping or are having problems with the standard ones, get these! Not recommended for beginners.

CS WCv2.1 FGD (9 KB) - This is required by all CS mappers using WorldCraft V2.1.

CS WCv3.3 FGD (84 KB) - This is required by all CS mappers using Worldcraft V3.3


Programs I wrote:

CS Manager is no longer valid and I've stopped the project. Sorry :(.

Xtra Compile Accessory Suite V1.0 (1.09 MB) - Some extra programs I wrote for you to use when compiling your maps, click here to see the features.